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Главная » Статьи » BOOKS » Hobby, DIY

The Better Bag Maker

If you want to make gorgeous, quality bags with the professional edge that really makes the difference between home-made and handmade?open The Better Bag Maker by Nicole Mallalieu. In this how-to book accomplished bag maker, Nicole Mallalieu, reveals her high-end techniques, shortcuts, and secrets for professional design and finishes. The 10 featured projects teach a range of expert skills from adjusting the proportion of the pattern to constructing pockets, straps, flaps, and bases.. By the end of this book, you'll have a closetful of polished bags?and most likely sew better than you ever imagined you could.

2014 | PDF | 43 MB




Категория: Hobby, DIY  (25 Апр 17)
Теги: constructing pockets, straps, Nicole Mallalieu, flaps, Bag Maker
Всего комментариев: 0

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