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Развивающая школа малютки на дому(2008,mp4) 

English. Сверхпамять (2007) mp4 

WDI. Веб-дизайн. Интенсив (2015) 

David Lanz - Cristofori’s Dream…Re-Envisioned (2012) 

Ed Sheeran - X ( Deluxe Edition) (2014) 

Brian Crain - Piano and Light (2011) 

Brian Crain - A Traditional Christmas (1998) 

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Донцова - Огнетушитель Прометея.(mp3,48 kbps)

Пауло Коэльо - Алхимик.

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Владислав Крапивин - Гуси-гуси, га-га-га…(mp3,64 kbps)


Главная » Статьи » BOOKS » Hobby, DIY

Foundations & Concrete Work (Revised and Updated Edition)

Название: Foundations & Concrete Work (Revised and Updated Edition)
Автор: Editors of Fine Homebuilding
Издательство: Taunton Press
ISBN: 1631869132
Год: 2018
Страниц: 272
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 27 MB

When homeowners gush about their new house, they usually don't spend a lot of time talking about the foundation. Even home builders, known to go into excruciating detail describing their latest projects, will usually gloss over the foundation. And it makes sense: Foundation work is not the glamourous side of home building. It is hard, dirty, and relatively unexciting work. But those in the know understand that it is also the work upon which all other work rests, making a good foundation critical to every home.

FOR PROS BY PROS: Foundations & Concrete Work is the definitive guide to laying a foundation that will not fail to support the home above it. The latest edition of this best-selling includes 17 new articles from the editors of Fine Homebuilding and revised content throughout, all focused on helping builders form and pour the absolute highest-quality foundations. With 375 on-the-job photographs and illustrations, and 272 pages chock-full of advice, tips, and tricks from the world's foremost home building experts, Foundations & Concrete Work is the only book on the subject that builders will ever need.



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Категория: Hobby, DIY  (08 Фев 18)
Теги: Concrete Work, Fine Homebuilding, building experts, home builders, Foundations
Всего комментариев: 0

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