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Главная » Статьи » BOOKS » Programming

Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications

Название: Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications
Автор: Qusay F. Hassan and Atta ur Rehman Khan
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2018
Формат: PDF
Размер: 30 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to IoT, related technologies, and common issues in the adoption of IoT on a large scale. It surveys recent technological advances and novel solutions for challenges in the IoT environment. Moreover, it provides detailed discussion of the utilization of IoT and its underlying technologies in critical application areas, such as smart grids, healthcare, insurance, and the automotive industry.

The chapters of this book are authored by several international researchers and industry experts. This book is composed of 18 self-contained chapters that can be read, based on interest.


Introduces IoT, including its history, common definitions, underlying technologies, and challenges
Discusses technological advances in IoT and implementation considerations
Proposes novel solutions for common implementation issues
Explores critical application domains, including large-scale electric power distribution networks, smart water and gas grids, healthcare and e-Health applications, and the insurance and automotive industries

The book is an excellent reference for researchers and post-graduate students working in the area of IoT, or related areas. It also targets IT professionals interested in gaining deeper knowledge of IoT, its challenges, and application areas.



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Категория: Programming  (08 Фев 18)
Теги: Internet of Things, Automotive, Healthcare, smart grids, Challenges, electric power distribution network, Advances, insurance, Applications
Всего комментариев: 0

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