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Готовимся к школе: развиваем воображение и творческие способности!(mp4) 

Alibaba. Ваш посредник в деле получения огромной прибыли (2016) 

Модные десерты.(Мастер-класс кулинарного искусства)(mp4) 

Андрей Новоженин - 3D Фотополы. Технология Создания от А до Я (2013) 

Рисованное видео. Все секреты (2016) Видеокурс 

VA - 2018 Grammy Nominees (2018) 

Brian Crain - MoonLight (2000) 

Guitar Tribute Players - Acoustic Beach Vibes (2014) 

Dan Kennedy - Bloom Road (2015) 

Paul Brandenberg - Best Of (2011) 

Победить остеохондроз: Устранение блокад межпозвонковых дисков.

"Эфирное время." Дашкова Полина

Имбирь и его братья-целители: хрен, репа, топинамбур, пастернак, свекла, сельдерей, лук, чеснок, цикорий, петрушка

Сборник книг Джона Ирвинга.

Как правильно запустить процесс вывода шлаков.


Главная » Статьи » ВИДЕОУРОКИ » Tutorials

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Visual media is everywhere. This means that music "Sync" licenses are a great way to generate income from your tracks. Learn how your compositions can become solid platinum in this important course by music biz expert, Dr. Paul Bissell. It's simple: visuals need music. Whether it be film, TV, web or any other media, your music - when synchronized to visuals - requires a separate, special license called a Synchronization License. This so-called "Sync" license gives the producer of the visuals limited rights to synchronize your music to picture. So, what does this mean? Very simply: More money in your pocket! In this course, the highly informative and always entertaining Dr. Paul Bissell leads you through the whole sync licensing process. You learn all about the synchronization basics from the perspective of all the different players involved; the producer to the composer and everyone in between.

If your music is played on the Internet or you are acting on television or radio, you, as a composer and / or publisher can raise money for these performances. How? Read about it in the course of Dr. Paul! If your music is Played on the Web, or on TV or Performed Radio, then you-as the Composer and / or Publisher-can collect money for Those performances. How? Learn everything you need to know about PROs in this course by our own Dr. Paul

Make money from your music! This course teaches you about the different “Income Streams” that’ll transform your inspiration into capitalization!
Yes, the music business is complicated, and that’s why so many musicians are unsuspectedly ripped off by the savvy executives that control the industry. But thankfully there’s a remedy. It’s called education! Because even though your music rights are protected by federal law, it’s up to you to understand the law and the different ways you can monetize your music to take advantage of those federal rights!

Learn how to protect your music and lyrics, make lots of money and get royalty income from sources that you could never have imagined. How? By harnessing the power of copyright...
Music isn't just an art, it's a business, too. And every creator of a song, a lyric, a melody or score is protected by Federal Copyright Law. This course, Music Business 101, will teach you how you can harness the power of Copyright to further your career and your bank account!
This little symbol we call the copyright sign '©', can change your career and your life. It protects you from theft. It gives you powerful Federal rights. And it acts as a money funnel, directing income right to you: the copyright owner of the music.

This is a tutorial very useful for all designers and creators of effects. Special Visual City hologram is well known and is very difficult to find tutorials for this effect. But in cinema4dtutorial we know what you need and for this all of our technical team works every week to bring you the latest tutorials on cinema 4 d and everything related to the VFX. In this tutor we tell step by step how to create this fabulous hologram, for this alone we need the program movie theater 4d. then it is very simple to be still the tutor.

Learn to use Trapcode Suite by Red Giant with this course by veteran film director Christopher Kenworthy.

Trapcode Suite lets you create streams of particles, beams of light and complex 3D effects for Adobe After Effects. The plugins are quite simple to use, but it takes some inside knowledge to get the most out of them. This course will put you on the fast-track to Trapcode expertise, with practical examples to help you get hands-on.

What a wonderful time we had together at the Basics workshop in Portland, Oregon! Plenty of the participants were new to TAT and asked clear, insightful questions that rounded out our discussions, especially on how to use TAT in specific situations. The certified Professionals and Trainers who attended shared experiences that they and their clients have had with TAT, and their lively stories added so much!
Тапас Техника Акупрессуры (ТАТ) используется для лечения человека.Довольно проста в освоении для самостоятельного использования.

Avid Media Composer is among the dominant nonlinear editing solutions in the film and television industry and it``s a must-know for aspiring filmmakers. Join author Ashley Kennedy in this course, as she demonstrates basic and intermediate video editing techniques in Media Composer. Learn how to build sequenceseverything from simple montages to more complex, interview-based packagesand mix audio, apply effects, and color-correct footage.

Created by accomplished music producer and classically trained musician, Rob Jones, the course begins by explaining the principles of music theory, such as what the key of a song and major/minor scales are, before showing how that knowledge can be used to make melodies or riffs using various intervals and chords, in order to produce basslines, a main hook, lead or pad sound, to create the main groove or form the breakdown of a track.

Speaking a foreign language gives you more sophisticated problem-solving skills, more tools for multitasking and expressing yourself, and opens up more career opportunities - not to mention the ability to more fully immerse yourself in other cultures. But learning a new language can be an unmanageably long endeavor. Join Gabriel Wyner to learn how you can become (and stay) fluent in a new language in months, not years.

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